Polymer Additives
Textile Auxiliaries
Home&personal Care Chemicals



Shanghai Deborn Co., Ltd. Yave ichishanda mumakemikari ekuwedzera kubvira iri muPudong New District yeShanghai, 2013. Inoshanda kupa makemikari nemhinduro dzemachira, mapurasitiki, machira, pendi, zvemagetsi, mishonga, imba uye maindasitiri ekuchengeta vanhu. .

Mumakore apfuura, Deborn anga achikura zvishoma nezvishoma pahuwandu hwebhizinesi.Parizvino, zvigadzirwa zvedu zvakatengeswa kunze kwenyika dzinopfuura makumi matatu pamakondinendi mashanu pasi rese.

  • We advocate the concept of greeness, healthy and sustainable development, to contribute to the ecological environment and to face the crisis of resources, energy and environment brought by the progressing social industry.We advocate the concept of greeness, healthy and sustainable development, to contribute to the ecological environment and to face the crisis of resources, energy and environment brought by the progressing social industry.

    Social Responsibility

    Isu tinotsigira pfungwa yekusvibira, hutano uye kusimudzira kwakasimba, kubatsira kune ecology nharaunda uye kutarisana nedambudziko rezviwanikwa, simba uye zvakatipoteredza zvinounzwa neinofambira mberi indasitiri yemagariro.

  • Committed to providing customers with high-quality products and efficient services, Deborn continues to innovate with domestic universities to develop more competitive products and serve for the clients and society better.Committed to providing customers with high-quality products and efficient services, Deborn continues to innovate with domestic universities to develop more competitive products and serve for the clients and society better.


    Yakazvipira kupa vatengi zvigadzirwa zvemhando yepamusoro uye masevhisi anoshanda, Deborn anoenderera mberi nekuvandudza nemayunivhesiti epamba kugadzira zvigadzirwa zvinokwikwidza uye kushandira vatengi nenharaunda zvirinani.

  • We adhere to people-orientation and respect every employee, aiming to create a good working environment and development platform for our staff to grow up together with company.We adhere to people-orientation and respect every employee, aiming to create a good working environment and development platform for our staff to grow up together with company.


    Isu tinonamatira kune vanhu-yekutarisa uye kuremekedza mushandi wese, tichivavarira kugadzira nzvimbo yakanaka yekushanda uye chikuva chekusimudzira kuti vashandi vedu vakure pamwe nekambani.

  • SALE
    UV absorber UV-234

    UV inopinza UV-234

    Inoshanda zvakanyanya kune mapolymers anowanzo kugadziridzwa pakudziya kwakanyanya senge polycarbonate, polyesters, polyacetal, polyamides, polyphenylene sulfide, polyphenylene oxide, anonhuwirira copolymers, thermoplastic polyurethane uye polyurethane fibers, uko kurasikirwa kweUVA hakubvumirwe pamwe neye polyvinylchloride, styrene homo- uye copolymers.

  • SALE
    UV absorber UV-571

    UV inopinza UV-571

    UV-571 imvura benzotriazole UV inonyudza inogona kushandiswa ku thermoplastic PUR machira uye furo rose, yakaoma plasticized PVC, PVB, PMMA, PVDC, EVOH, EVA, kupisa kwepamusoro kurapa kwe polyester isina unsaturated pamwe nePA, PET,, PUR uye PP faibha inoruka ekuwedzera, latex, wakisi, adhesives, styrene homopolymer - uye copolymers, elastomers uye polyolefin.

  • SALE
    Optical Brightener OB

    Optical Brightener OB

    Inoshandiswa mu thermoplastic plastiki.PVC, PE, PP, PS, ABS, SAN, SB, CA, PA, PMMA, acrylic resin., polyester fiber pendi, kuvhara kupenya kweingi yekudhinda.

  • SALE
    Optical Brightener OB-1

    Optical Brightener OB-1

    1. Inokodzera polyester fiber (PSF), nylon fiber uye makemikari fiber whitening.2. Inoshanda kune PP, PVC, ABS, PA, PS, PC, PBT, PET plastiki whitening inopenya, ine yakanakisa chena mhedzisiro.

  • SALE
    Optical Brightener BAC

    Optical Brightener BAC

    Chlorite-stable optical brightening agent ine bluish-violet white shade ye acrylic uye yechipiri acetate mumatanho ose ekugadzirisa.

  • SALE
    Antioxidant 1010

    Antioxidant 1010

    Inoshandiswa zvakanyanya kune polyethylene, poly propylene, ABS resin, PS resin, PVC, engineering mapurasitiki, rabha uye petroleum zvigadzirwa zvepolymerization.resin kuita chena fiber cellulose.

  • SALE
    Antioxidant 1098

    Antioxidant 1098

    Antioxidant 1098 yakanakisa antioxidant kune polyamide fiber, zvinyorwa zvakaumbwa uye mafirimu.Inogona kuwedzerwa kusati kwaitwa polymerization, kuchengetedza polymer ruvara zvivakwa panguva yekugadzira, kutumira kana thermal fixation.

  • SALE





Deborn anoshanda kupa makemikari uye mhinduro dzemachira, mapurasitiki, machira, pendi, zvemagetsi, mishonga, imba uye maindasitiri ekuchengeta munhu.

Mumakore apfuura, Deborn anga achikura zvishoma nezvishoma pahuwandu hwebhizinesi.